The Double Bind and Schizophrenia
When obsession aggravates into the catastrophic collapse of schizophrenia, the model-obstacle has become a spiritual entity with demonic powers.

The Big Old City
As soon as I stepped onto the streets of the big old city everything reminded me of the wild years I spent there long ago.

Published: The Modern Malaise
The Modern Malaise is now available on Amazon and all other major book platforms.

Jews and Antisemitism: White Magic, Black Magic
Tackling the Jewish Question.

Now Posting on Boreas.Substack.com
Now posting on boreas.substack.com

Homosexuality Is a Humiliation Fetish
Girard stipulates that homosexuality arises when the sexual attention of the subject shifts from the opposite-sex object to the same-sex rival.

We Are Equal: Always and Never
Why have cultures nurtured the principle that human beings are essentially equal while practicing every form of oppression?

The Last Word of Violence
Desire is attracted to violence triumphant and strives desperately to incarnate this irresistible force.

Your Ambition Is Turning You into a Loser
The desires of the many generate the advantage of the few.

A Postcard from Quarantine
The COVID is contagious in many ways.

A Macroeconomic Pyramid Scheme
To avoid sinking into debt or losing your retirement benefits, you’re going to need immigrants.

Published: Recession
Recession: Millennial Short Stories contains the polished edits of twelve short stories originally published on this blog.

The Job Interview
“Positive mindset is critical for success,” thought George as he pulled out of his driveway.

Published: Catharses
Catharses: Essays in Applied Mimetic Theory is a collection of the essays on René Girard’s work originally published on this blog.

Davos is like a cozy, luxurious teepee in which the chieftains of the global village can assemble around the fire together.

Gstaad is like a cozy, luxurious teepee in which the chieftains of the global village can assemble around the fire together.

Published: The Woke Iliad
The Woke Iliad, despite its humour, depicts politics and war as heathen rituals.

René Girard XXIV: Conspiracy Theories
Pathological forms of conspiracy theorising may be related to Girard’s concept of the monstrous double.

René Girard XXIII: Deconstructing Narcissism
Narcissists are failed seducers.

René Girard XXII: Stereotypes of Persecution
Myths are stories of persecution told from the viewpoint of the persecutors.