The Modern Malaise
The book delves into everything that's wrong with the New Right (frogs) and the New Left (snowflakes) and what that has to do with mimetic desire, its consequences - rivalry, obsession, sadomasochism - and the recession of the violent sacred, or what they used to call "death of God." A remedy is proposed in the end.
Find out what's making the frogs gay, why a lot of philosophy is sadomasochism, why homosexuality is a humiliation fetish, why paganism is not a good eugenics program, and why Christianity is better than all of these things. Plus countless other insights.
Recession: Millennial Short Stories
Twelve short stories capture the gloomy zeitgeist of the Millennial generation. Protagonists are mostly young men confronted with a failing society, with its crumbling cultural norms, failing economy, underemployment, unfeasible family life, debauchery, globalist agendas, climate change, technological apocalypse, etc. The author balances the often sombre tones with a heavy dose of humour and reveals many of the absurdities of the early twenty-first century prejudices.
Catharses: Essays in Applied Mimetic Theory
This collection of twenty-three essays brings into one volume two years of studying, researching, and writing on René Girard’s mimetic theory. The author applies the theory to popular questions to reveal the hidden but fundamental role of mimesis in our lives and to give the reader new and empowering perspectives. The aim is to reproduce the catharsis that Girard’s own work provided to so many of his readers: expulsion of the ignorance of imitation in our desires, origins, and culture.
Girard’s rigorous theories are brought to bear upon current and popular topics in the spirit of affirming and building upon his legacy. Each essay was written to stand alone and be accessible even to readers with minimal familiarity with Girard’s work. Yet, each ventures unique analyses and many offer original takes on new questions.
The essays were originally posted online in a series, receiving an enthusiastic reception. Here, they are presented after being extensively edited, expanded, substantiated, and organized into a coherent whole consisting of five parts: philosophy, history, sociology, politics, and psychology.
The Woke Iliad
Helen, America’s Ambassador of Woke, has been abducted on the orders of the Moldovan President Bagrayev, the most politically incorrect head of state in the world. The outraged Americans, led by the conscientious General Womack, invade his small but nuclear-armed country. To gaslight Bagrayev and avoid triggering the Armageddon, they assemble a coalition of allies and sneak into Moldova overnight with a thousand submarines. Once at war, Womack must avoid escalation of violence at all costs. He must manage his opponent’s volatile personality as well as the bickering identity groups within his own ranks. Both sides must find a way to deal with ruthless social media psyops and with perfidious captives and defectors.
Read now to find out how this most modern of conflicts will end, stuck as it is between the hyper-violence of nuclear holocaust and the hyper-sensitivity of wokeness.
If you don’t have access to Amazon or other online platforms, email g.boreas at protonmail dot com to arrange a direct transfer of an electronic or printed copy.